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Gauron and Lafleur Bridges

Considered a heritage resource of the Lachine Canal National Historic Site, the Gauron Bridge crosses the canal and links Dollard Avenue in LaSalle with Saint-Pierre Avenue in Lachine. The drawbridge was built in 1912 according to a design created by the Strauss Company of Chicago and licensed to Dominion Bridge of Lachine. Newspapers of the time described the bridge, upon its completion, as the most impressive construction of its type in operation.
Featuring a 50-m-long deck (platform), the bridge could be lifted upwards into a perpendicular position in just three minutes, thanks to a counterweight of 725,000 kg activated by two electric engines. A second drawbridge, known as the Lafleur Bridge, was built alongside the Gauron Bridge in 1959. Today, the two structures no longer operate as drawbridges, though they remain open to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
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Parks Canada Agency - Quebec Waterways
1- 514-283-6054
1- 514-496-1263 (Fax)
105 McGill Street, 6th Floor
Montreal, QC H2Y 2E7 CA
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